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Mt. Pleasant Elementary School

The path to our dreams begins with the partnership between our school and families working collaboratively to ensure a safe and caring environment. Varied educational experiences at Mt. Pleasant Elementary school offer students the tools necessary to embrace diversity, become independent lifelong learners, and compassionate global citizens.

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Your Attention Please



All children are expected to attend school regularly as long as they are in good health. If a child is absent from school it is required by law that the school be notified in writing as to the reason for the child’s absence. If your child will be absent from school, please be sure to call our Health Office at 631-382-4360 as early as possible.

Arrival/Drop Off

Please note that the school cannot provide supervision for students who arrive at school before 9:20 a.m., unless the student is coming for a previously scheduled before school club/activity. Due to safety concerns, cars are not permitted to enter the main parking lot during arrival or dismissal. Parents who choose to drive their children to school must enter through the north parking lot and follow the yellow traffic arrows to the student drop off area.


In order to participate in Physical Education class students must wear athletic sneakers and sweatpants or shorts. Students wearing a dress, sandals, toeless or backless shoes, jewelry, a hat, or any other clothing/accessory that compromises a child’s safety will not be allowed to participate. The same dress requirement will be maintained for students who wish to play on the playground equipment and/or take part in athletic games during recess. Many times in elementary classrooms students are asked to sit in carpeted areas of the classroom. With this in mind, please arrange for your child to attend school in comfortable clothing, and dress so that undergarments will not be revealed.


If there are any issues of custody that pertain to your child please ensure that you provide the school with all pertinent legal documentation necessary to enable us to abide by the court’s ruling.


Dismissal will begin at 3:35 each day. Parents who will be picking their child up from school must enter the school grounds through the north parking lot, park their car, and report to the walker doors. Parents will be required to sign their child out. Photo I.D. may be requested of you. If you plan to take your child out of school early, please be sure to do so before 3:10 p.m. If you cannot pick your child up before 3:10 p.m., you will need to write a note to designate your child as a walker for the day and will therefore be required to pick your child up at the walker door. If someone other than a child’s parent or guardian is going to pick a child up from school, the person’s name must be listed as an emergency contact in the Parent Portal. The person you designate to take your child out of school will be required to show photo identification before they will be permitted to take your child. If you plan for your child to leave school in a way that is different from his/her normal routine, please be sure to notify the school ahead of time in writing via a note to the classroom teacher. In your note please be sure to include your child’s first and last name, his/her teacher’s name, the date, the manner in which your child will be dismissed, a contact number where you can be reached, and your signature. We will not dismiss a child in any manner aside from their normal dismissal routine unless we receive written notification ahead of time.


Students who enter school after 9:30 a.m. will be marked tardy. If a child is late to school, he/she must be escorted by a parent into the building where the parent will be asked to sign the child in. Please make every effort for your child to be in school on time each day to avoid classroom disruptions.


Lunch is available through our cafeteria for all students. Toward the end of each month you will receive a lunch menu for the upcoming month. Due to the many adjustments that our Kindergarten students will experience in the beginning of the year, it is recommended that all Kindergarten students be sent to school with a bagged lunch for the first few weeks. This will help our Kindergarten students to enjoy a more relaxed lunch experience, as carrying a lunch tray can be a bit challenging at first. A prepaid lunch program is available for your convenience. Current lunch price is $2.75; milk only is $.60. You can pay for your child’s lunch ahead of time on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. To pay ahead of time, you can either send your child to school with a check made out to “Child Nutrition” or you can use the online My School Bucks payment system which is available at www.myschoolbucks.com/.

Personal Belongings

The school will not be held liable for the personal belongings of any student. All electronic devices (cell phones, iPods, laptops, MP3 players, tablet computers, etc…) and toys are prohibited. If a student is found to be in possession of an unauthorized electronic device or toy, the school reserves the right to confiscate such items. Please be sure to label all personal items such as backpacks, supply boxes, water bottles, lunch boxes, etc., with your child’s first and last name so that if an item is misplaced, it can be returned to its rightful owner.

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