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On Target: June edition!

June 13, 2024

Tackan Elementary School Principal Matt Furey proudly bragged about his young students Thursday afternoon, as honored them with Tackan's "On Target" award.

"Congratulations to you, students who make Tackan a better place. These are the kids who see that another child has no one to play with. A child has nowhere to sit. And these are the kids who possess empathy, courage, and kindness and ask them to play with them, to sit with them,” Furey told attending families.

The “On Target” award doesn't have specific requirements in regards to academics, rather it is given to outstanding students who demonstrate determination, kindness, courage, intelligence and empathy towards their classmates.

Students were nominated by their teachers for the award and were given a certificate, a pencil, and an Italian ice!

Congratulations to the following "On Target" award recipients and head to our facebook page for more pictures!

Giovanni Conte, Autumn Rogers, Charlotte Ball, Elyas Shokouhi Mamasani, Madison Calca, Nina Zarcone, Brady Gehshan, Michael Neri, Juliet Hall, Claire Furman, Fiona Beedenbender, Rafaele Lampkin, Emma Martinez, Hari Patel, Sheyla Rodriquez Amaya, Olivia Ingald, Kennedy Tavis, Ethan Cucci, Sarp (Ege) Deniz, Lucas Cianci, Hannah D'Amico, Joseph Covino, Jacqueline Abola, Derek Hofman.

group photo

Mr. Furey with student

Mr. Furey with student

Mr. Furey with student